Startool Carbide 3/32 STM Med. Special Silver Chamfer 0348SP
Startool Carbide 3/32 STM Med. Special Silver Chamfer 0348SP
Startool Carbide STM 3/32 Med. Special 3 in 1 Silver Chamfer 0348SP
Star Tool introduces the 3-in-1 carbide bit featuring a safety edge for cuticle area, an angle for contouring, and a surface for shaping, as well as left and right cutting design. This 100% carbide bit comes in gold.
Only with STARTOOL you have the real 100% carbide bit with revolutionary 2-way left and right cutting design. Save time and money with 1 bit that does what 3 bits do! Remove 3D, acrylic and gel sculpture easily remove gel colour safety and efficiently. No vibration. Better visibility as you work.
This 3-in-1 tool is designed to smooth down uneven surface before buffering nails. Do not exceed the maximum speed of 30,000 RPM. This tool can be used for right or left cutting.